The Line Between [Peter Soyer Beagle] (fb2)

Peter Soyer Beagle  

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The Line Between 580 Кб, 304с.
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The Line Between (fb2)Добавлена: 10.05.2016 Версия: 1.0.
Дата создания файла: 2013-02-04
Кодировка файла: utf-8
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Featuring the Hugo and Nebula award-winning original novelette from the world of The Last Unicorn, "Two Hearts."

The long-awaited sequel to the popular classic The Last Unicorn is the centerpiece of this powerful collection of new tales from a fantasy master. As longtime fans have come to expect, the stories are written with a grace and style similar to fantasy's most original voices, such as J. R. R. Tolkien, Fritz Leiber, and Kurt Vonnegut. Traditional themes are typically infused with modern sensibilities—reincarnated lovers and waning kings rub shoulders with heroic waifs; Schmendrick the Magician returns to adventure, as does the ghost of an off-Broadway actor and a dream-stealing shapeshifter; and Gordon, the delightfully charming "self-made cat," appears for the first time in print, taking his place alongside Stuart Little as a new favorite of the young at heart. This wide-ranging compilation contains sly humor and a resounding depth that will charm fans of literary fantasy.


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Лингвистический анализ текста:
Приблизительно страниц: 304 страниц - немного выше среднего (225)
Средняя длина предложения: 103.32 знаков - немного выше среднего (80)
Активный словарный запас: очень низкий 912.70 уникальных слова на 3000 слов текста
Доля диалогов в тексте: 0.00% - очень мало (27%)
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