Lingwa De Planeta (Lidepla) Grammar With Examples [Dmitry Ivanov] (fb2) читать постранично

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with examples

Dmitry Ivanov,

Anastasia Lysenko,

Elena Ivanova,

Asya Vinogradova

Lingwa de Planeta (LdP for short) is a neutral international auxiliary language based on the ten most widely spoken world languages, including six western European — English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian — and Chinese, Russian, Hindi, and Arabic. LdP also includes words from other languages to some extent. See the more detailed general description at http://lingwadeplaneta. info/


Alphabet and pronunciation


Pronouns and Related Words







Word formation

Prepositions, conjunctions

Interjections, particles


Alphabet and pronunciation


The LdP alphabet is based on the Latin one and contains 25 letters:

A B Ch D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z a b ch d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w x y z

There is no letter q, and c is used only in combination ch.


b like b in bar ch like ch in cheers d like d in duck f like f in fish g like g in groom h like ch in the German Fach (recommended), or h in home j like j in jack k like k in cake, aspirated l like l in love m like m in mamma n like n in nanny p like p in papa, aspirated r Any kind of rhotic sound will do. After a vowel it is to be pronounced, however articulated s like s in Sunday. Between vowels it may be voiced to some degree sh like sh in shoe t like t in type, aspirated v like v in vale (also admissible like w in wall) w like w in wall z like dz in adze

The combination ng at the end of a word is pronounced as one sound: [ŋ] (like in doing) is preferred, but [n] is also possible. In the middle of a word this combination is read exactly as combination of n plus g.

The letter x denotes the combination of letters ks. Between vowels it is recommended to read it as the combination of letters gs. In the position before a consonant may be read as [s].

Double consonants are not used.

In some proper names one should read "sh" as two separate consonants, in such cases a delimitator ' is used: Mas'hadov.


a like a in father e like e in bell i like ea in tea o like oa in boat u like oo in cool

The letter "y".

The letters i and y denote the same sound [i]. The use of y basically indicates that the sound is not stressed: pyu [piú]. Besides, y at the end of a word indicates that the word is not a verb: krai to cry — skay sky.

The letter names

Aa — a

Bb — be

CH ch — che

Dd — de

Ee — e

Ff — ef

Gg — ge

Hh — ha

Ii — i

Jj — ja

Kk — ka

Ll — el

Mm — em

Nn — en

Oo — o

Pp — pe

Rr — er

Ss — es

Tt — te

Uu — u

Vv — ve

Ww — wa

Xx — iks

Yy — ye

Zz — ze

The combination of letters SH can be spelled either as "es ha" or "sha". Although the letter C alone, without H, is absent in the alphabet, it has the name "charli". The name for this letter may be needed when spelling words of other languages. Similarly, the symbol Q has the name "kebek".

When transmitting and receiving voice messages by radio or telephone, it may be advisable to use the ICAO spelling alphabet. In the case of Lidepla its symbols have the following pronunciation:

Aa — alfa

Bb — bravo

Cc — charli

Dd — delta

Ee — eko

Ff — foxtrot

Gg — golf

Hh — hotel

Ii — india

Jj — juliet

Kk — kilo

Ll — lima

Mm — maik

Nn — novemba

Oo — oska

Pp — papa

Qq — kebek

Rr — romio

Ss — siera

Tt — tango

Uu — uniform

Vv — vikta

Ww — wiski

Xx — ex rei

Yy — yanki

Zz — zulu

It is also possible to use full words beginning with a given letter for spelling, ex.:

a — amiga

b — bileta

ch — chipe

d — duma

e — egale

f — fabula

g — gana

h — hema

i — informa

j — jabra

k — kitaba

l — luna

m — mama

n — nocha

o — opa

p — pama

r — regula

s — salam

sh — shamba

t — tabla

u — unida

v — vino

w — worda

x — xilofon

y — yunga

z — zian


— Hey, yu audi ku? Skribi ba may el-meil adres! Tayar ku? Walaa: luna haifen duma haifen pama, akauda, informa nocha bileta opa xilofon, punta, regula unida.

— Hey, do you hear me? Write down my e-mail address! Ready? Here it is: luna haifen duma haifen pama, at sign, informa nocha bileta opa xilofon, dot, regula unida.


The main rule is: the vowel before the last consonant or "y" is stressed:

máta — mother

suóla — sole (of footwear)

matéria — matter

nóve — new

kórdia — heart

aktór — actor

aván — forward

krokodíl — crocodile

dúmi — to think

jámi — to gather

báya — bay (in coast)

jaopáy — signboard

In words of the shape (C)CVV like háo — good, well, krái — to cry the first vowel is stressed.

In the combinations "au", "eu" — "u" is not stressed:

áusen — outside

áudi — to hear

áuto — car
