Christine Feehan

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Christine Feehan (b. Christine King in California, USA) is an American romance-paranormal writer. She has published more than 26 novels, including five series, and numerous novellas since 1999.
Christine King was born in California. She grew up with three brothers and ten sisters. She spent a lot of time getting in trouble at school for writing instead of doing the things she was supposed to do. Later she forced her ten sisters to read every word. She is married to Richard Feehan, together they have 11 children (each had children from previous marriages). Today, her daughters read and help her edit her manuscripts.
Feehan has over 45 novels published and is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. Her debut novel, Dark Prince, published in 1999 won three Paranormal Excellence Awards for Romantic Literature (PEARL) for that year. Since then she has won seven more PEARL awards and has been on numerous bestsellers list including those of Publishers Weekly, USA Today, and The New York Times. Feehan has also received a Career Achievement Award from Romantic Times and been nominated for a RITA award from the Romance Writers of America.
She has been published in multiple languages and in many formats, including large print, palm pilot, e-book, and hardcover. In October 2007 her first manga comic, Dark Hunger was released in stores. This was the first ever manga comic released by Berkley Publishing and it made #11 on Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller’s List.

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