The Ace of Skulls [Chris Wooding] (fb2)

Chris Wooding  

Боевая фантастика  

tales of the ketty jay - 4
The Ace of Skulls 1.13 Мб, 558с.
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издано в 2013 г. (post) (иллюстрации)

The Ace of Skulls (fb2)Добавлена: 08.11.2013 Версия: 1.0.
Дата создания файла: 2013-09-25
ISBN: 9780575098138 Кодировка файла: windows-1251
Издательство: ORION
  (Fb2-info)    (ссылка для форума)
  (ссылка для блога)     (QR-код книги)  


All good things come to an end. And this is it: the last stand of the Ketty Jay and her intrepid crew.

They've been shot down, set up, double-crossed and ripped off. They've stolen priceless treasures, destroyed a ten-thousand-year-old Azryx city and sort-of-accidentally blew up the son of the Archduke. Now they've gone and started a civil war. This time, they're really in trouble.

As Vardia descends into chaos, Captain Frey is doing his best to keep his crew out of it. He's got his mind on other things, not least the fate of Trinica Dracken. But wars have a way of dragging people in, and sooner or later they're going to have to pick a side. It's a choice they'll be staking their lives on.

Cities fall and daemons rise. Old secrets are uncovered and new threats revealed.

When the smoke clears, who will be left standing?


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Приблизительно страниц: 558 страниц - очень много (225)
Средняя длина предложения: 61.38 знаков - немного ниже среднего (80)
Активный словарный запас: очень низкий 954.83 уникальных слова на 3000 слов текста
Доля диалогов в тексте: 0.13% - очень мало (27%)
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