Shirley Rousseau Murphy

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Author of nearly 50 books, including among others the popular Joe Grey cat mystery novels, the Dragonbards Trilogy for young adults, and many books for children.
Shirley Rousseau Murphy grew up in southern California, riding and showing the horses her father trained. She attended the San Francisco Art institute, and later worked as an interior designer while her husband Pat, a World War II veteran, attended college. When he graduated she quit her job and began to exhibit paintings and welded metal sculpture in the West Coast juried shows. Her work could also be seen in many traveling shows in the western States and Mexico.

"When we moved to Panama for a four-year tour in Pat's position with the U. S . Courts, I put away the paints and welding torches, and began to write," she says. After leaving Panama, they lived in Oregon, Atlanta, and northern Georgia. During that time she wrote over twenty books for children and young adults, winning five Dixie Council of Authors and Journalists awards, plus The Catswold Portal, an adult fantasy novel.

Murphy now lives in Carmel, California, to which she and her husband moved when he retired as Chief U.S. Probation Officer for the Northern District of Georgia. Since then she has published twenty-one books in the award-winning Joe Grey cat mystery series, for which she is best known. In addition, she and her husband Pat J. J. Murphy collaborated on the duology The Cat, the Devil and Lee Fontana and its sequel, which are quite different from the Joe Grey series.
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