Английский самоучитель [Елена Викторовна Вогнистая] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 100

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4. Sorry for interrupting. Please go on.
5. The alarm clock was set to go off at 6 am.
6. Time goes by so quickly!
7. Many young people go out a lot.
8. Put up your hand or the bus will go by without
9. We decided to go away for a few days.
10. The medication should make the pain go away.
Урок 98
1. I like to have coffee in the morning.
2. I have an important meeting in the evening.
3. When do you usually have breakfast?
4. Joe likes to have fun.
5. She had a bath and went to bed.
6. I had a talk with Mike yesterday.
7. I have a terrible headache.
8. Joe and Kate are having a vacation.
9. We had a hug and said good bye.
10. I’m so tired. I need to have a rest.
1. If you want to know what Rover has against me
you’ll have to ask him.
2. Here are the files that we have on her.
3. I don’t know what he’s got against me, but he
always criticizes me.
4. I think it’s a brilliant idea. What have you got
against it?
5. You should have a coat on. It’s cold.
6. Melissa had her new dress on.
7. I need everything you have on Jack Soloff.
8. What did you have against Eric?
9. I couldn’t see properly. I didn’t have my glasses
10. We have nothing against him personally.
Урок 99
1. Did you get 2. did you get 3. get 4. get 5. getting
6. got 7. will get 8. getting 9. got 10. get 11. got
We decided to visit our friend Sam who lives in
another country. It took us a lot of time to get to
his place. We decided to get there by plane. We got
tickets for the morning flight. At about 7 o’clock
we got a taxi. When we arrived at the airport, we
got out (of) the car, passed all the formalities and
got on a plane. Two hours later the plane landed.
We got off, then went to a place called “luggage
delivery” to get our suitcases. At noon we finally

Ответы к упражнениям
got to Sam’s place. We got a little tired but we were
very happy to see Sam.
1. The door was locked and we couldn’t get in.
2. I get up at 7 o’clock.
3. My mother and I did not always get along.
4. Passengers can get on and off trains in city
5. Nobody expects you to get over this shock
6. I want to get out of my small town and see the
7. I have to get to London as soon as possible.
8. The police let the bank robber get away.
9. Get back soon, we will wait for you.
10. Come on, we can get through here. The hole is
big enough.
Урок 100
1b 2a 3g 4j 5i 6f 7c 8d 9e 10h
1. You’d better keep away! It’s not safe.
2. The Governments of the world cannot let down
the children of the world.
3. He’ll give up a brilliant international career to
live with his daughter.
4. I let down my mom and dad today, and... worse
than that, I let down my teacher.
5. Whatever happens, don’t give up.
6. I’m sorry that I let down the community.
7. If you lose once, it doesn’t mean you have to give
8. Keep away, she has the sickness.
9. Keep away, don’t touch it!

1. You go on with whatever you were doing.
2. Just back off, stay away from him.
3. I’m sure that they will back off and agree to our
4. I honestly believed things might actually work
out which was very foolish.
5. All you have to do is back off and not stand here.
6. Sometimes I just have no strength go on and
want to give up.
7. This gym is where he works out and trains
8. I was too tired to go on working.
9. I do not think their plan will work out, because
it’s a very bad plan.
1. I can call you back when it’s a better time.
2. Next time you go out, wear appropriate clothes.
3. I think we should break up, but I don’t want to
hurt her feelings.
4. We need to go out to a bar and get you a cocktail.
5. I thought a lot about why we broke up. We are
just different people.
6. He said to call him back on his home phone.
7. There’s a new book about how kids get
emotionally damaged when their parents break up.
8. She shouldn’t go out by herself at night.
9. No, I can’t call back later. I need to speak with
him now.

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Вогнистая Елена Викторовна
Руководитель импринта Е. Козлова
Заведующий редакцией К. Игнатьев
Ответственный редактор Е. Окошкина
Дизайн обложки Д. Агапонова
Технический редактор Н. Чернышева
Верстальщик И. Гришин
Подписано в печать 18.01.2021. Формат 70x90/16. Уcл. печ. л. 25,74.
Печать офсетная. Гарнитура CharterITC. Бумага офсетная.
экз. Заказ №

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