Colleen McCullough

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Colleen McCullough
born in Wellington, NSW, Australia June 01, 1937
died January 29, 2015

Colleen McCullough AO (born 1 June 1937) was an internationally acclaimed Australian author, born in Wellington in central west New South Wales to James and Laurie McCullough.
Colleen grew up during World War II. Before entering tertiary education, she previously earned a living as a teacher, librarian, and journalist. In her first year of medical studies at the University of Sydney she suffered dermatitis from surgical soap and was told to abandon her dreams of becoming a medical doctor. Instead, she switched to neuroscience and worked in Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. In 1963 she moved to the United Kingdom, where she met the chairman of the neurology department at Yale University at the Great Ormond Street hospital in London, who offered her a research associate job at Yale. McCullough spent ten years researching and teaching in the Department of Neurology at the Yale Medical School in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. It was while at Yale that she wrote her first two books. In the late 1970s she settled on Norfolk Island in the Pacific, where she met her husband, Ric Robinson; they married in 1983. McCullough was a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Colleen passed away aged 77, on Norfolk Island. She had been battling a string of eyesight & health problems for some years.

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