Сборник адаптированных рассказов английских и американских писателей. Часть 1 [Oscar Wilde] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 1

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Сборник адаптированных рассказов английских и американских писателей

Часть 1


Данный сборник адаптированных рассказов английских и американских писателей может быть использован для развития навыков чтения, разговора и аудирования для учащихся Курсов английского языка. Рассказы разнообразны по тематике, языку и стилю, представляют собой интересный сюжетный материал, дают возможность выйти на обсуждение проблемных вопросов, легко поддаются пересказу.

Первая часть Сборника состоит из двух разделов:

Тексты Первого раздела имеют небольшой объем. Это дает возможность проработать лексический материал, ответить на поставленные вопросы и принять на участие в дискуссии без большой затраты учебного времени. Небольшой объем текстов позволяет использовать эти тексты для аудирования и изложений. Все тексты Первой части снабжены специально разработанными упражнениями.

Рассказы Второго раздела содержат более сложный языковой материал и предназначаются для самостоятельного чтения с последующих обсуждением. Эти рассказы Вы можете также использовать для самостоятельного чтения.

Содержание – Contents

Раздел Первый – Section One

Unit 1. The Scholarship (from “Green Years” by A. J. Cronin)

Unit 2. A Dog and Three Dollars. M. Twain

Unit 3. A Day’s Wait. E. Hemingway

Unit 4. The Green Door. O. Henry

Unit 5. Brave Mother (from “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by H. Beecher-Stowe)

Unit 6. The Reading Public. S. Leacock

Unit 7. The Nightingale and the Rose. O. Wilde

Unit S. Martin Eden (an extract). J. London

Unit 9. Is He Living or Is He Dead? M. Twain

Unit 10. As You Like It. After W. Shakespeare

Unit 11. The Snake and the Bell. L. Becke

Unit 12. The Banks of the Sacramento. J. London

Unit 13. A Service of Love. O. Henry

Unit 14. The Boy Next Door. L. Baker

Unit 15. Surprise. J. Galsworthy

Unit 16.Return (from “The Path of Thunder” by P. Abrahams)

Unit 17. Home. L. Hughes

Unit 18. Pledger’s Way Home (from “The Great Midland” by A. Saxton)

Unit 19. No Story. O. Henry

Unit 20. The Explosion (from “The Citadel” by A.J. Cronin)

Unit 21. The Shipwreck (from “Kidnapped” by R.L. Stevenson)

Unit 22. The Invisible Man (an extract). H. G. Wells

Unit 23. The Happiest Man on Earth. A. Maltz

Unit 1

THE SCHOLARSHIP from “Green Years” by A. J. Cronin

Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he gets the scholarship founded by Sir John Marshall, but his best friend Gavin becomes his rival.

It was the first day of the Easter Holidays. I was going fishing with Gavin. The last pleasure I allowed myself before beginning to prepare for the Marshall.

We met early in the morning. Gavin was waiting for me. Impossible to describe the silent joy of our meeting... We walked side by side through the quiet village to the lake.

“No fishing until evening, I am afraid”, Gavin murmured. “No wind and the day is too bright”.

Until the sun went down, Gavin and I sat on an upturned boat, outside his father's fishing hut. We spoke very little. At seven o'clock, after Mrs. Glen, the woman of the cottage had given us some tea and boiled eggs and milk, we pushed the boat into the water. I took the oars. When we were far from the shore, Gavin spoke, hidden by the growing darkness.

“I understand you are sitting the Marshall, Robie?”

I was greatly surprised. “Yes… How did you know?”

“Mrs. Keith told my sister”, Gavin paused, breathing heavily. “I am trying for it too”.

I looked at him in silence. I was shocked and confused.

“But Gavin… You do not need the money!”

Gavin frowned. "You'll be surprised." He spoke slowly. "My father has had trouble in the business". He paused. "He has done so much for me... now then he is worried, I would like to do something for him."

I was silent. I knew that Gavin adored his father; and I had heard whispers that all was not well with the Mayor's business. Yet his words came as an unexpected blow.

"All the cleverest boys in the country are competing," he continued. "One more won't make much difference. Besides there is the honour of the town. It is twelve years since a Levenford boy took the scholarship." He drew a deep breath. “One of us must win it”.

“You may be the one, Gavin”, I said in a low voice; I knew he was a fine scholar.

Gavin replied slowly. “I would like to win for my father’s sake. But I think you have a better chance”. He paused. “If you win, will you go on to be a doctor?”

Gavin was the only person on earth to whom I could tell the truth. I said: “I wish with all my heart to be a medical biologist, you know, a doctor who does research”. There was a long pause.

“Yes”, Gavin said thoughtfully. “It is bad that we have to fight each other over the scholarship. But, it will not affect our friendship, of course”.

Yet I felt a sudden sadness in my heart. I thought: “Gavin and I… One of us must be defeated”.


rival – конкурент

scholarship – стипендия

Easter Holidays – пасхальные каникулы

oars – весла

to sit the Marshall – сдавать экзамены на стипендию Маршалла

Exercises and Assignments on the Text

Упражнения и Задания к Тексту

Assignment # OneЗадание № 1

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов:

молчаливая радость – _________________________________________;

шли рядом – _________________________________________;

перевернутая лодка – _________________________________________;

столкнули в воду – _________________________________________;

сдавать экзамен