Английский самоучитель [Елена Викторовна Вогнистая] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 98

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the company last year.
8. Donald died last year.
9. I’ll see you next Monday.


Урок 81
1. Photography was discovered in the 18th
2. She was born in 1946 in California.
3. Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.
4. He is seeing two women at the same time.
5. The sale starts on Wednesday.
6. He is coming from Oxford at Easter.
7. We went swimming on Saturday.
8. Don’t wake me in the morning.
9. Tom always sends me red roses on my birthday.
10. The car will be ready on Monday.

I’m tired of all this.
Here’s a bottle of milk.
Read the first page of the book.
I drank five cups of coffee today.
What’s the name of that plant?
He died of a heart attack.
It’s a photo of my dog.
It is very kind of you to help me.
He bought a bottle of beer.


Ответы к упражнениям
1. Come back in five minutes.
2. He was born in the 19th century.
3. Are you going to the party on Saturday?
4. I hate doing shopping at the weekend.
5. On the 2 of December Henry VI was crowned.
6. The card arrived on my birthday.
7. He went to London in 1972.
8. We’re hoping to take a vacation at the end of
9. Everything was better in the past.
10. In the future, cars will drive themselves.
1. My parents are both out at the moment.
2. That bar has karaoke on Saturday night.
3. The elections are held in May.
4. His birthday is at the end of January.
5. My contract runs out in September.
6. We are going to Las Vegas on the 8 of May.
7. She was still asleep at noon.
8. I will leave on Sunday morning.
9. I never work at the weekend.
10. In summer Venice is full of tourists.
Урок 82
1. Bake the cake for 40 minutes.
2. It has been raining since yesterday.
3. Count from 10 to zero.
4. Lara lived in a small town until he was thirteen.
5. He hasn’t been working for a while.
6. We have less than two hours until the deadline.
7. He’ll be here until noon.
8. We haven’t talked since that day.
9. I meet him from time to time.
1. We go fishing from time to time.
2. We haven’t spoken since yesterday.
3. I haven’t done it for a long time.
4. I have not been there for five years.
5. We didn’t get home until late last night.
6. I’ve been staying here since July.
7. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.
8. She watches television from four to six.
1. Since the party, she has not spoken to him at all.
2. They waited for him for many hours.
3. From year to year, pollution is worsening.
4. We’ve played better since you joined the team.
5. Tom might stay here with us until next October.
6. Business keeps going from bad to worse.
7. This dog hasn’t been fed for days.


8. Have you been married for a long time?
Урок 83
1. I arrived at the station at 9.
2. Earth is a planet in the Solar system.
3. Please sit at the table.
4. I live in this house.
5. They may be playing in the park.
6. It rained in the forest.
7. Put some sugar in your tea.
8. This problem seems to be easy on the surface,
but it’s really difficult.
9. There was no one in the room.
1. Put the book on the table.
2. I was at the theatre yesterday.
3. She doesn’t live in England.
4. Water splash on the floor.
5. Let’s meet in the lobby.
6. I’ve got the key in my pocket.
7. She often eats in bed.
8. Sarah’s still at school.
9. He stood at the end of the line.
Урок 84
1. Throw garbage in a trashbox.
2. If you want to get to the bank, turn right at the
3. Someone knocked on the door.
4. Do you have milk in your coffee?
5. We lived in a big city.
6. Somebody was standing at the door.
7. You should walk on the pavement.
8. I stopped at the corner.
9. I’ll wait in the car.
1. The train arrived at Osaka station.
2. She’s waiting at the entrance.
3. Is Marina in bed?
4. The book ends on page 364.
5. I left the key at the reception desk.
6. She had an odd look on her face.
7. I grew up in the North.
8. The sun was high in the sky.
9. We stopped for a drink on the way home.
10. I live on the third floor.
Урок 85
1. Turn around. Look behind you.

Ответы к упражнениям
2. The sun was behind a cloud, so we couldn’t see
3. I sat down between Sue and Jane.
4. He was wearing a jacket under his coat.
5. We sat under a tree and rested.
6. Tick the box next to your choice.
7. Don’t say bad words in front of the children.
8. He was standing next to me, so I could see his
9. He stood between his mother and his father.
10. Come and sit in front of the fire.
1. Are there any public holidays between Christmas
and Easter?
2. Who is that standing next to Marta?
3. She spends hours in front of the mirror!
4. You walk ahead and we’ll follow behind you.
5. In summer, we often slept under the stars.
6. We should arrive between 9 and 10 o’clock.
7. I can’t see him. He is behind other boys.
8. The bank is right next to the pharmacy.
9. How long can you hold your breath under water?
10. They perform music in front of an audience.
1. They stood next to each other.
2. The project will cost between eight and ten
million dollars.
3. Mary’s locker is next to Tom’s.
4. I’m wearing a sweater under my jacket.
5. Protesters paraded in front of City Hall.
6. You cannot hide behind your husband anymore.
7. Write your name under your picture, not above
8. He warmed his hands in front of the fireplace.
9. In her book she makes a comparison between
Russian and British culture.
10. Mark doesn’t understand math. He’s always
behind the rest of his class.
1. in front of 2. on 3. between 4. behind 5. above 6.
below 7. next to 8. under 9. in
Урок 86
1. Have you read this book? What is it about?
2. I go to school by bicycle.
3. You must leave the hotel room by 11 am.
4. Mark stays fit by cycling to work.
5. Relax, you’re among friends.
6. Unemployment among young people is higher
than among adults.
7. I’m worried about David. He doesn’t look well.

8. There’s something special about him.
9. Some people are strange, you know. There are
a lot of freaks among us.
1. by 2. in 3. by 4 on 5. by 6. in 7. in 8. by 9. by 10.
1. There was no need to help him. He could have
done that without your help.
2. Everyone knows you’re in love with Emily.
3. I often play chess with him.
4. There is no rose without thorns.
5. I need to speak with Tom.
6. There is no happiness without courage, nor
virtue without struggle.
7. Stop fighting with your brother.
8. We cannot exist without food.
9. Her boots were covered with mud.
10. I never go on vacation without my cellphone. I
always have it with me.
1. She began doing her homework immediately
after dinner.
2. There is no honor among thieves.
3. There is no great genius without some touch of
4. Be careful with that glass. You might break it.
5. What’s he talking about?
6. I needed to do that by myself.
1. Her name came after mine on the list.
2. Among the objects found in the handbag was her
3. No sugar, please. I prefer coffee without sugar.
4. I don’t believe the rumors about Jane.
5. Tom will be here by 2:30.
6. I don’t know why Roy doesn’t want to go with us.
1. You’re either with me or against me.
2. There were 5 girls and one boy. The boy sat
among the girls.
3. I tried to warn Tom about her, but he wouldn’t
listen to me.
4. We have to go by taxi.
5. After his death, his paintings were hung in the
6. He understands your feelings and thoughts even
without words.


Ответы к упражнениям
Урок 87
1. between 2. between 3. with 4. to 5. with 6. to 7.
of 8. for 9. of 10. of
1. There’s no easy solution to this problem.
2. Two men were arrested in connection with the
3. Here’s a photo of the farm where they live.
4. This situation is a serious cause of concern.
5. His attitude to nature is strictly material.
6. He agreed that there was no need for additional
7. People think they know the key to happiness.